Business Project Management

can help you to manage clients, contracts, projects, resources, activities, procurements, delivery and acceptance, cost and income. With , you can maximize efficiency of your normal operations and minimize damages and delays of your abnormal operations by detecting deviations or problems and their root causes at the earliest possible time.

can be used to manage different types of business projects such as construction, professional service, OEM, and BPO/ITO projects.

Contract and Project Integrated Management

supports the entire contract and project life cycle which includes:

  • Proposal and quotation mgt
  • Contract and project execution mgt
  • Milestone completion and SLA monitoring
  • Change, change impact, revenue, cost and profit mgt
  • Invoice and payment mgt
  • Client satisfaction and contract renewal mgt

Real-time Interconnectivity

contract and project are interconnected in real-time, for example:

  • Project cost would directly affect contract cost and profit.
  • The delay in project deliverable would directly affect contract revenue.
  • The quality of project deliverable would directly affect contract SLA results.

One contract can represent one or more projects

In most cases, a contract represents a single project. But in some areas such as investment and outsourcing, it is possible that a contract can create multiple projects and their results collectively affect the return of investment.

Contract Management

supports the following contract mgt features:

  • Contract approval
  • Transaction Contents (Products, Services and Prices)
  • Delivery and SLA
  • Procurement and payment
  • Cost and profit mgt
  • Payment terms, invoice and payment mgt
  • Revenue recognition and mgt accounting
  • Contract renewal mgt

Sales Contract:

supports sales contracts for products only, service only and products and services together. It also supports master contracts for specifying terms and conditions and associated sub-contracts or Statements of Work (SOW) to transact incrementally. sales contract can be generated from or linked to a customer opportunity and be used to handle invoicing and payment.

Project Management

provides features to support the following 10 major areas:

You can select part or all of these features to manage your projects.

  • Policy setting
  • Project plan and cost approval
  • Resource Mgt
  • Deliverable planning, quality control and delivery and acceptance
  • Schedule, cost, problem and change tracking
  • Risk recording and mitigation
Customer & Opportunity Management

supports establishment and maintain complete customer information, including the following:

  • Client organization chart and contact information
  • Financial summaries and credit ratings
  • Topics/Products of Interest
  • Cross-selling and up-selling information
  • Opportunities and communication records and results
  • Historical quote, transaction and delivery information
  • Customer satisfaction information
  • Accountable receivable, invoice and payment information

Supplier & Procurement Management

provides the following features to help the user manage contract-based procurement projects in a more systematic manner.

  • Supplier recruitment and pre-qualification
  • Supplier basic, product, service and rating information
  • Supplier qualification and approval
  • Purchase plan and requisition
  • Quotation and price comparison
  • Purchase order mgt
  • Delivery, qualify and acceptance mgt
  • Invoicing and payment mgt
  • Supplier KPI and performance mgt

Accounting Management

can aggregate and de-aggregate revenue and cost budget and actual numbers from the lowest level projects to their associated contracts and from contracts to their associated organizations in real-time.

Income Management

helps an organization to establish revenue targets and track results.

  • Revenue target
  • Real-time revenue recognition
  • Detect deviation from target at the earliest possible time
  • Display revenue according to region, organization, line of business and currency
  • Sales funnel analysis

Profitability Management

provides profitability mgt from the lowest level of projects and contracts where revenue and cost occur to the highest level of the enterprise.

Executives will have the capabilities to effectively sponsor projects
and train managers in modern project management.
Streamline management. Boost productivity. Grow confidently.
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